Pixel Gallery

Hi, I'm Yanchan! Welcome to my Pixel Gallery
Here you can check my pixel art creation, price, and term of service before commissioning me
I'm using Paint tool sai v2 for rough sketch and Aseprite for lining, coloring, and animating.

Icon Character


Semi Chibi


Background/Ground Small
(Canvas start at 64px - 192px)

Background Medium
(Canvas start at 100px - 256px)

Background Big
(Canvas start at 256px)



(EN) Payment via :
✦ Paypal
(ID) Pembayaran melalui :
Order via :
✦ Fiverr ➜ fiverr.com/amaicitrus
✦ Ko-Fi ➜ ko-fi.com/amaicitrus
✦ Google Form Pixel ➜ Gform

Check on Google form for detailed price

Term Of Service

✦ EN ✦TOS :
✦ Please give me complete references and description, like pose, animation, background, and character sheet
✦ Free 2 revision while rough sketch, (not include if I missed)
✦ Revision max 4 (not include if I missed)
50% payment after sketch approved (If you pay with paypal)
Payment under $20, can fully paid immediately after sketch approved (If you pay with paypal)
No Refund after 50% payment, that includes cancellation fee (If you pay with paypal)
✦ Pixel can't put much details, but you can ask me which charm points I will put on your pixel character
✦ I will inform my progress when Sketch and Base Color only, If you want to know my progress other than that, you can ask me
Commercial use TOS :
✦ Streaming (with Donation or Membership)
✦ Donation
✦ Membership
✦ Merch
Canvas Size Start From:
✦ Icon 32px
✦ Chibi 100px
✦ Semi Chibi 100px px
✦ Portrait 200px
Basic Background:
✦ Background Small 64px - 192px
✦ Background Medium 100px - 256px
✦ Background Big more than 256px
Export scale up to 10x
What you get :
✦ Solid shape Background
✦ Simple stickers like stars or love
(Only for PNG, not for animation, because it's depended on how much frame do you need)
✦ PNG (Transparent & Background)
✦ GIF (Looping Animation, Transparent & Background)
Consider :
?Heavy Armor
?Old People

Icons5 - 7 Days5 - 7 Hari
Chibi5 - 7 Days5 - 7 Hari
Emotes7 - 14 Days7 - 14 Hari
Semi Chibi7 - 14 Days7 - 14 Hari
Portrait7 - 14 Days7 - 14 Hari
Background Small5 - 7 Days5 - 7 Hari
Background Medium7 - 14 Days7 - 14 Hari
Background Big10 - 14 Days10 - 14 Hari
Add Animation+ 7 - 10 Days+ 7 - 10 Hari
Add YCH Animation+ 5 - 7 Days+ 5 - 7 Hari
Add Package Animation+ 7 - 14 Days+ 7 - 14 Hari
Background Small+ 5 - 10 Days+ 5 - 10 Hari
Background Medium / Big+ 7 - 14 Days+ 7 - 14 Hari